Saturday, June 2, 2018

How Protective Parenting Impacts Students

Dear Parents,

Having been in education for over 35 years, as a teacher and administrator, one of the things that I have noticed is that parenting is getting more and more complex with every year that passes. As the world is moving forward so quickly it means that parent’s term of reference from their own childhood are no longer applicable. This has moved many parents into a defensive mode in their role of protector of their children from the world that they as parents are supposed to understand but actually rarely do. Although undertaken with the best interests of their children at heart, helicoptering parenting or over protective parenting is actually doing children no good at all.

The Overprotected American Child


This article (link) from the Wall Street Journal provides an excellent insight into the issues associated with over protective parenting.

"A big 2007 study, published in Clinical Psychology Review, surveyed the scientific literature on how much parenting influences the development of anxiety in kids. The parenting behavior that had the strongest impact of any kind was “granting autonomy”—defined as “parental encouragement of children’s opinions and choices, acknowledgment of children’s independent perspectives on issues, and solicitation of children’s input on decisions and solutions of problems.” More autonomy was associated with less childhood anxiety. (Genes play an even bigger role, however, in individual differences in anxiety.)"

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